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Journal Articles

Prieler, M. (2024). Representations of older people in advertising: A review. Advertising & Society Quarterly, 25(1), Online.

Picazo, D. A., & Prieler, M. (2024). Influencer marketing of Korean beauty products in the Philippines: The role of the Korean Wave, influencers, and content attributes. Korean Social Science Journal, 51, 167–189 (KCI). Corresponding Author.

Ju, Y., Scherr, S., Arendt, F., You, M., & Prieler, M. (2024). Little strokes fell big oaks: How repeated recommendations for responsible suicide reporting drive the quality of suicide news. Omega – Journal of Death and Dying, Online First (SSCI). 

Ju, Y., Scherr, S., & Prieler, M. (2024). How do recommended elements in suicide news coverage work? An investigation of the effect of responsible reporting and readers’ reflectiveness on suicide prevention. Health Communication, 39(9), 1899-1905 (SSCI).

Fan, F., Chan, K., Wang, Y., Li, Y. & Prieler, M. (2023). How influencers’ social media posts have an influence on audience engagement among young consumers. Young Consumers,  24(4), 427-444 (SCOPUS).

Prieler, M., Ivanov, A., & Hagiwara, S. (2022). The representation of 'Others' in East Asian television advertisements. International Communication Gazette, 84(1), 44-65 (SSCI).

Prieler, M., & Dom, V. (2022). Gender representation in Cambodian television advertisements. Plaridel, 19(1), 105-132 (SCOPUS).

Rwubaka, T. D., & Prieler, M. (2022). Gender representation in Rwandan music videos. Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research, 48(2), 1-20. (SCOPUS). 

Prieler, M., Choi, J., & Lee, H. E. (2021). The relationships among self-worth contingency on others’ approval, social comparison on Facebook, and adolescent girls’ body esteem: A cross-cultural study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 901 (SSCI).

Choi, J., Chung, Y., Lee, H. E., & Prieler, M. (2021). Gender and cultural differences in the relationship between self-esteem contingency, body talk, and body esteem. Children, 9(11), 1009 (SSCI).

Scherr, S., Arendt, F., Ju, Y., & Prieler, M. (2021). Investigating the negative-cognitive-triad-hypothesis of news choice in Germany and South Korea: Does depression predict selective exposure to negative news? The Social Science Journal, Online First (SSCI).


Prieler, M. (2020). Gender representations of older people in the media: What do we know and where do we go from here? Asian Women, 36(2), 73–95 (SSCI).

Matthes, J., & Prieler, M. (2020). Nudity of male and female characters in television advertising across the globe: A comparative analysis. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 97(4), 1101–1122 (SSCI).

Prieler, M., & Kohlbacher, F. (2017). Face-ism from an international perspective: Gendered self-presentation in online dating sites across seven countries. Sex Roles, 77(9/10), 604–614 (SSCI).

Prieler, M., Ivanov, A., & Hagiwara, S. (2017). The representation of older people in East Asian television advertisements. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 85(1), 67–89 (SSCI).

Prieler, M., Kohlbacher, F., Hagiwara, S., & Arima, A. (2017). Gender portrayals of older people in Japanese television advertisements: Continuity or change? Asian Women, 33(1), 25–47 (SSCI).

Mumporeze, N., & Prieler, M. (2017). Gender digital divide in Rwanda: A qualitative analysis of socioeconomic factors. Telematics and Informatics, 34(7), 1285–1293 (SSCI).

Nduhura, D., & Prieler, M. (2017). When I chat online, I feel relaxed and work better: Exploring the use of social media in the public sector workplace in Rwanda. Telecommunications Policy, 41(7-8), 708–716 (SSCI).

Nduhura, D., & Prieler, M. (2017). Citizen journalism and democratization of mainstream media in Rwanda. African Journalism Studies, 38(2), 178–197 (SSCI).

Webb, D., Kohlbacher, F., & Prieler, M. (2017). Life satisfaction in Japan: The role of hedonic values, advertising and watching TV. Social Business, 7(2), 155–175.

Prieler, M. (2016). Gender stereotypes in Spanish- and English-language television advertisements in the United States. Mass Communication and Society, 19(3), 275–300 (SSCI).


Matthes, J., Prieler, M., & Adam, K. (2016). Gender-role portrayals in television advertising across the globe. Sex Roles, 75(7), 314–327 (SSCI).


Prieler, M., Kohlbacher, F., Hagiwara, S., & Arima, A. (2015). The representation of older people in television advertisements and social change: The case of JapanAgeing & Society, 35(4), 865–887 (SSCI).


Prieler, M., Ivanov, A., & Hagiwara, S. (2015). Gender representations in East Asian advertising: Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea. Communication & Society, 28(1), 27–41 (SCOPUS).


Prieler, M., & Choi, J. (2014). Broadening the scope of social media effect research on body image concerns. Sex Roles, 71(11/12), 378–388 (SSCI).


Kohlbacher, F., Prieler, M., & Hagiwara, S. (2014). Japan’s demographic revolution? A study of advertising practitioners’ views on stereotypesAsia Pacific Business Review, 20(2), 249–268 (SSCI).


Prieler, M., & Centeno, D. (2013). Gender representation in Philippine television advertisements. Sex Roles, 69(5), 276–288 (SSCI).


Prieler, M. (2012). Gender representation in a Confucian society: South Korean television advertisements. Asian Women, 28(2), 1–26 (SSCI).


Prieler, M. (2012). Social groups in South Korean television advertising: Foreigners and older peopleKeio Communication Review, 34, 57–78.


Prieler, M., Kohlbacher, F., Hagiwara, S., & Arima, A. (2011). Gender representation of older people in Japanese television advertisements. Sex Roles, 64(5/6), 405–415 (SSCI).


Kohlbacher, F., Prieler, M., & Hagiwara, S. (2011). The use of older models in Japanese TV advertising: Practitioner perspective vs. consumer opinionsKeio Communication Review, 33, 25–42.


Prieler, M. (2010). Othering, racial hierarchies, and identity construction in Japanese television advertising. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 13(5), 511–529 (SSCI).


Prieler, M., Kohlbacher, F., Hagiwara, S., & Arima, A. (2010). Older celebrity versus non-celebrity television advertising: A Japanese perspectiveKeio Communication Review, 32, 5–23.


Hagiwara, S., Kohlbacher, F., Prieler, M., Arima, A. (2010). 日本のテレビCMにおける高齢者表象と高齢者市場へのアプローチ―テレビCMの内容分析と広告関係者及び消費者の意識調査 [The representation of older people and the approaches to the silver market in Japanese television commercials: A content analysis of TV commercials and a survey among advertising agencies and consumers]. Joseikenkyūhū, 43, 63–72.


Hagiwara, S., Kohlbacher, F., Prieler, M., Arima, A. (2010). 日本のテレビCMにおける高齢者表象と高齢者市場へのアプローチ―テレビCMの内容分析と広告関係者及び消費者の意識調査 [The representation of older people and the approaches to the silver market in Japanese television commercials: A content analysis of TV commercials and a survey among advertising agencies and consumers]. Ad Studies, 34, 68–69.


Prieler, M., Kohlbacher, F., Hagiwara, S., & Arima, A. (2009). Ältere Menschen in der japanischen Fernsehwerbung [Older people in Japanese television advertising]. Japanstudien, 21, 197–222.


Prieler, M., Kohlbacher, F., Hagiwara, S., & Arima, A. (2009). How older people are represented in Japanese TV commercials: A content analysisKeio Communication Review, 31, 5–21.


Hagiwara, S., Prieler, M., Kohlbacher, F., & Arima, A. (2009). 日本のテレビ CMにおける高齢者像の変遷:1997年と2007年の比較 [Changes in the representation of older people in Japanese TV commercials: Comparing the years 1997 and 2007]. Keio Media and Communications Research, 59, 113–129.


Prieler, M. (2008). Specialties of Japanese television advertisingMinikomi, 76, 32–37.


Prieler, M. (2007). The Japanese advertising family. Japanstudien, 19, 207–220.


Prieler, M., & Kohlbacher, F. (2016). Advertising in the aging society: Understanding representations, practitioners, and consumers in Japan. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Book Chapters/Entries

Liu, J., Wang, C., Chen, Y., Peng, Y., Guo, J., & Prieler, M. (2022). Cyberbullying on Chinese social media: Language features and influence factors in comments on Key pinion Leaders’ posts. In G. Sari (Ed.), International perspectives on bullying in media and beyond (pp. 116-131). IGI Global. Corresponding Author.


Prieler, M. (2020). Representation. In D. Merskin (Ed.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society (pp. 1478-1480). New York, NY: Sage.

Prieler, M. (2020). Cultivation theory. In D. Merskin (Ed.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society (pp. 421-422). New York, NY: Sage.

Prieler, M. (2020). Social cognitive theory. In D. Merskin (Ed.), The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society (pp. 1592-1593). New York, NY: Sage.

Prieler, M. (2016). Exploring Confucianism in understanding face-ism in online dating sites of Eastern and Western cultures. In S. S. Lim & C. Soriano (Eds.), Asian perspectives on digital culture: Emerging phenomena, enduring concepts (pp. 52–68). New York, NY: Routledge.


Prieler, M., Kohlbacher, F., Hagiwara, S., Arima, A. (2011). Silver advertising: Older people in Japanese TV ads. In F. Kohlbacher & C. Herstatt (Eds.), The silver market phenomenon: Marketing and innovation in the aging society (2nd ed., pp. 239–247). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.


Prieler, M. (2008). Silver advertising: Elderly people in Japanese TV ads. In F. Kohlbacher & C. Herstatt (Eds.), The silver market phenomenon: Business opportunities in an era of demographic change (pp. 269–277). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.


Prieler, M. (2006). Japanese advertising’s foreign obsession. In P. Lutum (Ed.), Japanizing: The structure of culture and thinking in Japan (pp. 239–271). Berlin, Germany: Lit-Verlag.

Other Publications

Prieler, M. (2019). Book Review: Moon, M. (2019). International news coverage and the Korean conflict: The challenges of reporting practices. Palgrave Macmillan. Asian Communication Research, 16(2), 171-175 (KCI).

Kohlbacher, F., & Prieler, M. (2015). Advertising in the aging society: Lessons from the world’s most mature market. WARC Exclusive, October, World Advertising Research Center.

Prieler, M. (2012). Challenges for international education at South Korean universities: Interviews with professors teaching courses in English language at the School of Communication, Hallym University. Report for the International Education Committee, Hallym University.


Hagiwara, S., Kohlbacher, F., Prieler, M., Arima, A. (2010). 日本のテレビCMにおける高齢者表象と高齢者市場へのアプローチ―テレビCMの内容分析と広告関係者及び消費者の意識調査 [The representation of older people and the approaches to the silver market in Japanese television commercials: A content analysis of TV commercials and a survey among advertising agencies and consumers]. Final Report for the Yoshida Hideo Memorial Foundation (138 pages).


Prieler, M., Kohlbacher, F., Hagiwara, S., & Arima, A. (2009). Gendered portrayals of older people in Japanese television advertising. German Institute for Japanese Studies, Working Paper 09/02. Tokyo: DIJ.


Prieler, M. (2008). Book review of “Facetten der japanischen Populär- und Medienkultur 2“ by S. Köhn and M. Schönbein. In V. Elis & R. Lützeler (Eds.), Japanstudien 20: Regionalentwicklung und regionale Disparitäten (pp. 364-368). Munich: iudicium.


Prieler, M., Kohlbacher, F., Hagiwara, S., & Arima, A. (2008). The representation of older people in Japanese television advertising. German Institute for Japanese Studies, Working Paper 08/02. Tokyo: DIJ.

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